How to Stay Calm and Happy

How to Stay Calm and Happy

Most of us have made New Year resolutions. One of the main areas that most of us struggle with is to be calm and happy. In today’s fast and stressful world, this seems next to impossible. Even though this goal looks too big, we can break it down into small things which will help us achieve this big goal.  In today’s article, we talk about How to Stay Calm and Happy.

How to Stay Calm and Happy

Focus on Your peace.

It is important to know that nothing in the world can take away your peace, except yourself. When things start becoming difficult in your life, then it is important to take a moment and sit back and think. Your peaceful response to any situation will only improve or better the situation.

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Do not get easily offended by difficult people but deal with them gently. Over a period of time, you will see the results of your peaceful interactions.

Try to relax.

When you are tempted to get angry or disturbed, it is time to get away from that situation. One of the most effective things is to take a deep breath and get involved in some other activity. These deep breaths will help you calm down as your body has inbuilt stress busters.

For me, meditating on the Bible verse which says “Do not be anxious, but in all things with prayer and supplication let your petitions be known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your heart “ helps in calming me down.

Speak the truth but in a positive and gentle way.

It is important to speak the truth, but it is also equally important to speak it gently and positively. Ensure that there are no harsh words used, which you might regret later.

Go out for a walk.

Going out for a walk or exercising can enhance and change your mood. Modern research indicates that going out for a walk in nature is a natural mood enhancer and removes depression and anxiety.

Stop feeling guilty.

Most people who get angry are anxious and guilty. They are too concerned about their past mistakes and do not let go of them. Remember we cannot do much about our past, but our decision today will change our present and our future. It is important to forgive others and be forgiven.

Be thankful and grateful.

Being thankful and grateful is one of the most important ways of removing bitterness and strife from your heart. You start first by being thankful to God for a new day and all the good that he has done in your life. Start maintaining a dairy and be thankful to people around you.

Research has indicated that when you appreciate and are grateful, then your emotional and physical well-being is improved.

Be a good listener.

It is important to be a good listener. This habit can change relationships for the better. We all know that as the other person is talking, our mind is already preparing to respond, either in agreement or disagreement or even to give advice. It is important to let go of your thoughts and focus back on listening. Do not respond till you have completely heard the person.

Avoid toxic and complaining people in your life.

You will always find toxic and complaining people around you. It is important to know that complaining and getting stressed is exactly opposite of calm and being happy. Both are highly contagious, so it is important to choose wisely the people who should be around you. Try being surrounded by happy and grateful people and you will surely be happy.

Take a short vacation.

Taking a short vacation always refreshes and rejuvenates you. It increases your happiness as you are able to enjoy more. Focusing of good things in life erases or removes the negativity of wrong things in your life. So take that short vacation and refresh yourself.

Sleep well and take adequate rest.

Good sleep is a very important factor for your mental health. Lack of sleep will lead to emotional disturbance and irritability. Ensure that you sleep properly and take adequate rest, which will help you to stay calm and happy.

Share and speak when you are anxious.

Research has indicated that those who share and speak to others about their feelings are less likely to be anxious. Sharing your feelings helps you release your anxiety, stress and clears your mind. So next time when you are anxious, speak and share your feelings with somebody close to you.

Try to be adaptable.

In life, you will face circumstances wherein things are not in your control. You need to be adaptable to accept this fact. If you are facing a difficult situation and it seems helpless, just close your eyes and pray to God. God is sovereign and in control of every situation in our life. This plain thought will erase the stress and you will be able to better adapt yourself and face any situation.

Avoid burnout.

Avoid leading a busy lifestyle, which will lead to burn out. Cut down your extra and unnecessary activities. Spend more time in solitude and with your family. Do things which will give you inner satisfaction and peace.

Believe in God and believe in yourself.

When you believe in God and in his unconditional love, you are able to believe that God has a special plan for your life. Every human being is unique and this is proven by the numerous things in our body like our DNA, cell structure, retina, jaw structure and many more things.

If we have been made so uniquely by God, then there is definitely a divine plan for our lives. This thought will relieve the stress from you and you will be able to believe that you can be what God has called you to be.

All the above habits will help you to remove the unnecessary stress and anxiety from your life and in turn, will help you lead a calm and happy life.

Hope you enjoyed this article How to Stay Calm and Happy.Please read our earlier article Think and Speak Positively to impact your life.
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